Saturday, 1 December 2012

Perth RTG Conference Day 3

Teresa Slaven-Blair - Evolution and Types of Black Holes

What is a black hole?  How would we make a black hole? There are three types of black holes; two have been found and one is still hypothetical - X-binary, AGN and Kugelblitz
Demonstration of energy transfer
Scott helped illustrate the energy transfer involved in Supernova formation.

Tips and Tricks

At least 20 tips and tricks were shared and there were many "ah, good idea" moments followed by hurried scribbling of them down so as to be able to share them back home.

Biological Laboratory Techniques - Joy Unno, Glenda Brown

The session started with a information on resources, safety and biohazards, micro-organisms, keeping animals and plants, preservation of biological materials, dissections, microscopes and enzymes.

It was interesting to learn that there is a separate human biology course in addition to a biology one.  Most dissections are done on fresh tissue rather than preserved and so no formalin solution or formalin treated tissue to dispose of.  There is no human blowing up of pluck, rather basketball pumps are used.  If animals are to be kept, a license is required and must be displayed in a public place and by cages. Permits are required for translocation of fish and for collecting of wild plants.  Only commercially obtained tissue (ie. inspected) may be used for dissection.

We had 6 demos and were able to try our hand at 7 activities.

Field studies equipment
Making a square meter outline

Making nutrient agar
Use oven bags for sterilizing petri dish cultures for disposal
Pressure cooked culture plates
Photosynthesis experiment

Observing yeast budding
End of conference dinner with RTG technicians, conference organizers and attendees


1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys have had lots to do - and so much fun. Hi from sunny (well maybe not so sunny) Melbourne. We are looking forward to meeting you at LABCON2012. Hope you have a good trip over - what time will you be getting to Melb? Cheers from Anne (LTAV Vice Pres)
